Eitan Marks ‘24
Eitan Marks is a senior at Brandeis University majoring in the Hebrew track of Near Eastern & Judaic Studies and minoring in Legal Studies. He has served as Student President of Brandeis Hillel and on the Brandeis Hillel Board of Directors since January 2023. Prior to this role, Eitan served as the Communications Coordinator for the 2022 Hillel Student Board and as the Undergraduate Departmental Representative for the Hebrew Program at Brandeis.
Eitan is currently writing his senior honors thesis on the history of Brandeis, using the development of the campus and its buildings as a medium to analyze the interests and trends of the university administration and donors. He also created the first and only complete timeline of the campus’ physical history going back until 1632.
In his free time, you can find Eitan in the library digging through archival materials, cooking up some experimental dishes, listening to old Israeli music, or playing Nintendo games.