BIPAC - Brandeis Israel Public Affairs Committee

BIPAC (Brandeis Israel Public Affairs Committee) is Brandeis University's Bipartisan Pro-Israel Lobby. We are dedicated to proactively discussing the issues facing Israel as well as her surrounding neighbors. Our passion is Zionism and its future. BIPAC looks to create a pro-Israel environment on the regional and national level by lobbying our Congressmen and thanking them for their continual support for the Jewish State. We look to advance that passion on campus by running programs, lobbying political officials, inviting speakers, holding thought-provoking discussions, and creating relationships of mutual understanding with other students and clubs on campus. Our goal is to think constructively, and consequently act in a fashion that creates a pro-Israel environment on campus.

"BIPAC has given the opportunity to strengthen the US-Israel relationship through lobbying Congress. It has grown my passion and understanding of politics and has given me a space to be pro-Israel on campus- and have my pro-Israel identity be actionable, something I can do to make the world better. This is something I will forever be grateful for" - recent graduate

2022 Board
Elye Robinovitz '23- President
Manny Cohen '24- Vice President
Gonny Nir ‘25 - Chief of Staff
Ben Topol '24- Legislative Director
Alyssa Knudsen '24- Social Media Coordinator
Ariel Schultz ‘25 - Treasurer

To join BIPAC board, get involved in our organization, come to events, lobbying appointments, etc and when positions open, apply!!

How to get involved